Sunday, November 30, 2008


My external hard drive is dying and that happens to be where all my pictures are stored. My resident computer expert is out of town for the Thanksgiving Holiday so cannot help me out. Kenna's birthday post was supposed to have a million pictures, however, it does not. I don't really know if any one even reads this, or if they care, but until Philip fixes my hard drive there will be no more posts, because I don't like reading posts without pictures. I can't imagine you do either. So until then (Tuesday he returns and I will bribe him to make it his A number 1 priority), read a different blog that won't bore you to tears like this one does.


Bernie and Doll said...

I am a faithful follower of this blog pictures or not! See You tuesday!

TwinkleBee said...

Tears, yes tears as I read your post. "read another blog that does not bore you to tears like this one does." I can just hear you saying it with a smirk that your cute sassy daughter has inherited. Oh thanks for the laugh. I'll look forward to tuesday, and I too am a faithful follower I'm SOOOOOO glad you blog! Don't Quit!! Love you lots and lots!

Chuck said...

Bring back the blog! I'll fix your hard drive! - Charles

Kristi said...

It was so fun to click on your blog and see all the posts! Byron and I can't get over how grown up your kids are! We loved the video of them singing to Becky, wish we could live closer and see them. I'm waiting for Kylene to wake up for another feeding, she needs to relieve some pressure I'm feeling. :) love your guts, K