I love going home.

Not to my home,
but, you know,

(No, this was not my house, but I think it is so cute, and familiar
and right around the corner from a good friends childhood home)

Where you grew up,
where your memories of high school are
and most importantly,
where your parents are.
I wish you could add sound clips
because if I could
I would educate you
as I did my oldest son
on the glory of the Jackson 5

I'm going back to Indiana
Indiana here I come, yeah yeah
I'm going back to Indiana
Cause that is where my baby's from.
I'm going back to Indiana
Indiana here I come!
Okay Tito, you got it...

I give full credit to knowing this song
to my best gal and fellow Hoosier
Kristy K
She introduced me to the greatness of it in college
and we now CANNOT
cross the Indiana state line without it blaring.
Well, I can't,
Ryan could probably do without,
but he's with me, so...
He must love it by association.
It works that way when you are married
and/or confined in a car with someone.

We headed out on a Friday morning
because we were supposed to head out Thursday
but due to a series of unfortunate events
including a Uhaul and a hitch and a dvd screen
it was Friday.

We drove straight on through
24 hrs
which I thought was pretty dang impressive
with 5 small children.
(Check out the time on the Nav screen)
I say we
I mean Ryan,
he drove 22 of the 24 hrs,
But I was there,
and helping him to stay awake,

and dealing with wiggly babies

So it counts right?
and it was worth it to suprise the parents
by getting there in the morning instead of at night
and catching my dad
in the middle of the lawn mowing.
This was just the first day,
We got more comin folks.
Stay tuned.