Monday, May 9, 2011

National Apron Day

Not kidding.
Its National Apron Day

How awesome is that?

 Especially since today
Just Happens to be the day

Is featuring Handi Andi's Apron Shop
as their deal of the day. 

Totally not planned that way,
but a really cool coincidence.

At least go and check me out.
Just because maybe you love me 
and want to help me out
by getting me lots of page views.

While you are there, 
go ahead and sign up for
Very Jane's Deal of the Day emails.
If you want to.
You don't have to

Its all high quality, crafted/handmade stuff.
So cute and a good variety
with AMAZING PRICES/discounts

And if you are a
high quality, handmade, crafty, kind of person
and you might want to sell your stuff on Very Jane. 
Give them a little email
and tell them I sent you.
They are great to work with
very nice
and who couldn't use a little extra cash in their pockets?

Not gonna lie,
I have been a nervous wreck
wondering if I was even gonna sell one.
But I have also been super excited 
at the thought of selling even one.

So whether you have time to show the love
or not
Happy Apron Day to you!

Happy Apron Day to me!

1 comment:

Caitlin@cait. create. said...

Yay! I love that it's apron day! We couldn't have planned that better if we tried :)