was painting the
bench and quilt rack
for the front room.

was hanging
the black shelf.
First I had to paint it
Then figure out how to hang it.
It weighs 1.5 million pounds I think.
So no easy task.

was gluing the high chair back together

(My bum sat in this chair when I was a little girl)

was hanging shelves in the water heater closet.
This became more difficult
than I originally thought it would be.
But I now know how to hang drywall.
So I guess we can count the whole experience as a success
especially since all this
crafty/ scrapbook stuff
is no longer taking up all of Caden's closet.

what would any project be
the peanut gallery
cheering you on
in the hot garage?
More projects to come but
my camera is hating me again.
So we may be back to stealing Caden's camera
and all that that entails.
Love love love the high chair. looks great. good job on accomplishing some projects!
do you not have a water heater in your water heater closet?
a.m.a.z.i.n.g. love it all. you blow my mind.
just FYI, our blog is now public.
The High Chair? REd? :(
I do love your shelf bench and quilt rack. We need something like that rack at the store. Love all your projects! Can't wait to see more! You go girl
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