We love Bumbos

Yes we do!

We love Bumbos

How about you?

Collin is trying to decide
if it matters if his is pink

But a $5 pink garage sale Bumbo
beats the heck out
of a $35 blue or green one
any day
(that's what we think anyway, especially since it came with a tray too!)

Talk about fraternal twins

They do not look even remotely the same
People still ask if they are identical though
and how we tell them apart,
I think my incredulous look
was starting to make people feel stupid
so I just laugh politely
and say I look at them
and do eeny meeny miney mo
and go with what ever name comes up.
Then they laugh politely
and try to decide if I am kidding.
P.S.- sorry for the poor picture quality.
my iPhone is not such a hot photog
Thinking about firing her,
but she is always close in a pinch or super cute moment
so we shall see.

Yes we do!

We love Bumbos

How about you?

Collin is trying to decide
if it matters if his is pink

But a $5 pink garage sale Bumbo
beats the heck out
of a $35 blue or green one
any day
(that's what we think anyway, especially since it came with a tray too!)

Talk about fraternal twins

They do not look even remotely the same
People still ask if they are identical though
and how we tell them apart,
I think my incredulous look
was starting to make people feel stupid
so I just laugh politely
and say I look at them
and do eeny meeny miney mo
and go with what ever name comes up.
Then they laugh politely
and try to decide if I am kidding.
P.S.- sorry for the poor picture quality.
my iPhone is not such a hot photog
Thinking about firing her,
but she is always close in a pinch or super cute moment
so we shall see.