my far and away favorite
The colors
The fabric
and all because of you
Alexander Henry
You are a genius

I LOVE your fabric.
Its whimsical
and colorful,
and I am not sure,
if I have ever met a pattern of yours
that I did not like.

I do believe that
in Black and White and Red and Blue and Yellow
and Pink
is my current favorite however.

(but I do love the Fairies one from two posts ago too)
If only you were not so expensive
So I could buy more and more.

this apron was for me.
I would wear it for a while everyday.
Just to show my love.
P.S. Thank you Caitlin for being my model at the last minute.
You are always beautiful.
It almost makes me hate you,
but I guess we can still be friends
I'll just settle for deep envy.
Especially since you promised me the rockinest Chocolate Cake Ever.
You're ridiculous! The pictures of you turned out so pretty, why didn't you post one? I can't wait to make that chocolate cake too! We'll have to have a party.
I love Alexander Henry Fabrics too...they make the cutest little dresses...(and aprons too)!! :)
your aprons are always so cute. now, is caitlin a relative, or a friend. not that she can't be both.
Love, Love, Love the aprons you make! So stinkin cute. Kylie would love the fairy one. Good luck getting stuff done!
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