And, they love to have their pictures taken.

In fact, they love it so much,
that is is hard for me to get them to take one
without the posing.

"Stand up, Kenna, so I can take your picture."
"But take a picture now. I'm doin' the booty dance"
Caden immediately chimed in.
"Kenna, grandma doesn't like it when we say booty"
"I'm not sayin booty, I'm sayin booty dance"
Cohen is quickly learning the posing, and the cheese face too.
If I have the camera he will follow me around yelling
"Teese! Teese!"
See what blogging has done to my children?
Caden will call for me
"Mom, you better get your camera
and see what Kenna is doing."
When he says that, it is never good.
Sometimes funny, but never good.

In fact, they love it so much,
that is is hard for me to get them to take one
without the posing.

"Stand up, Kenna, so I can take your picture."
"But take a picture now. I'm doin' the booty dance"
Caden immediately chimed in.
"Kenna, grandma doesn't like it when we say booty"
"I'm not sayin booty, I'm sayin booty dance"

If I have the camera he will follow me around yelling
"Teese! Teese!"
See what blogging has done to my children?
Caden will call for me
"Mom, you better get your camera
and see what Kenna is doing."
When he says that, it is never good.
Sometimes funny, but never good.
So cute! I love that she's posing with the slinky too :)
what hams, very cute hams of course!
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